Organic enzymes soya protein milk, from USA.Organic Enzymes Soya Protein Milk (SPM) ~ (Originalflavour)SPM is identical to mother''s milk because:
1) It provides complete protein that our bodyrequires:
- Unlike plant and vegetableprotein, SPM supplies complete protein for your daily requirement,which consists of Soya Protein, Corn Protein and Whey Protein.
2) Enzymes:
- For better digestion andabsorptionof nutrients. It helps energize the cells anddetoxification. It alsospeeds up the regeneration and renewal ofthe body''s cells.
3) "Friendly" Bacteria:
- For cleaner colonand blood. It also helps improve bowel movement.
4) High Calcium:
- For stronger bones,enhanced child growth and the prevention of osteoporosis. One scoopof SPM contains 500 mg of daily calcium.
5) Multi-Vitamin and Minerals:
- Take sufficient amounts of Vitamin A, B, C, D, E and minerals inorder to get the balance of nutrients. These nutrients helpstrengthen our body and enhance the body''s immune system.
Organic Enzymes Soya Protein Milk